

"You seem to be drifting," I have been said like that, when I lived in Osaka. I've stayed at Hiroshima a year ago, I only came to like the town of Hiroshima, I left at once. The before of it, I stayed at Kochi in a mountain for a year. I'm exactly like someone who leads a wandering unsettled life. Now, I'm staying here, but I'll leave here in only one or two months.

Cause I know you're just too proud
You couldn't step outside the Boho dance now
Even if good fortune allowed
(The Boho Dance)

I felt like going somewhere, I went walking along the river. There are people who is running along the stream, or people who is reading books...etc..., it was a beautiful day after the rain. At the river side, there are a fashionable Italian Restaurant (I guess so), and an old hotel. There is a sightseeing bus stopped by the side of the hotel, and a party of the foreign tourists walked through my side from the front. Nothing was special. It's ordinary days.

One month ago, I found the Shrine is near by my house. Being exactly, I've known that since when I was child, and I visited there every time I pray for something. But I came to feeling like visiting there again, for the first time since I've stayed here. The Shrine is located by the side of the Kagami river. I remembered that I used to have lived in the other side of the river when I was teenager, and I remembered running along the stream made me feel good.


If you find out mistake in this article, please tell me secretly.

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